PDF BookThe Last Trumpet

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Ever since the apostles stood and watched Jesus ascend into Heaven, believers have been waiting for Jesus to return to Earth. We have all prayed earnestly just as the Apostle John prayed, “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” Two thousand years have passed since He ascended and still the promise is fresh to us – Jesus will come back and receive us unto Himself that where He is there we may be also.There are hundreds of Bible passages that promise that He will return to Earth one day. Of His certain return, there is no doubt. All true Christians believe that truth and are waiting for that day when we are all together with Jesus for eternity. But, what exactly does the second coming of Jesus involve – will there be a rapture of the Christians and tribulation for those left behind, or is it a simple one day event and what will transpire during that momentous event Will there be a 1000 year reign of Christ on the Earth, or does His Second Coming usher in eternity There are many opinions – all claiming to be right – each supported by Scripture – whether rightly or wrongly interpreted.This book has been latent within me for several years, but it just has not worked its way out until now. This subject, in particular, has been stuck in my craw for many years. Every time I hear about the “rapture”, I cringe. Not because I do not believe in the Second Coming of Jesus. I do. He is coming again. But, He is not coming again in the manner that is presented by so many good Evangelical Bible preachers and teachers today. The predominate teaching of the “rapture” is founded upon a faulty premise. In fact, it is founded upon many faulty premises.I am writing this primarily to set forth - in as logical a manner as I can - my thoughts on the Second Coming of Jesus so I will have them recorded. Secondarily, I am writing this for those who question the Dispensational, Pre-Tribulational, Pre-Millennial doctrine, who just can’t for the life of them figure it out, who are having a hard time reconciling it with what they see the Bible teaching, who thinks it sounds entirely too complex and complicated for the average man or woman to figure out on their own. As others have told me, it all just sounds “fishy” to them. It just doesn’t sound right.Bingo! That is the problem with it. It does not even sound right to people. The average person just cannot see it taught in the Bible unless they have been indoctrinated into it. The reason they can’t see it is because…it just is not there. The Biblical doctrine of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is simple. It is not complicated. The average Christian can sit down with his or her Bible and figure it out for his or her self. The Scriptures were written, not for the well schooled or brilliant, but for the common man. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 24: 15 in what is known as the Olivet Discourse, a prophecy that has been misunderstood by many, "Whoso reads, let him understand.” Therefore, let everyone understand this basic premise - all we need in order to understand the Second Coming of Jesus is contained in the Bible itself. Let me say at the beginning that I believe the Scripture is clear – crystal clear as to the Second Coming. I do not believe that it is complicated, complex, or hidden. I do not believe that in order to understand the Second Coming of Jesus that we need 50 foot charts and diagrams stretched across the front of the church. The Scriptures were written so the common man – not only the highly educated - could understand them. It does not take a seminary degree to understand the basic tenets of the faith, of which the Second Coming is one. It does not take a teacher who “specializes in prophecy” to make it clear. It does not take books or movies or weekend conferences to understand. It takes a simple reading and believing of the Word of God. Last Trumpet Ministries Online "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle?" - I Cor. 14:8 ... 16 - THE LAST TRUMPET - BEHOLD THE BEAST The False Prophet - Chapter 16 - The Last Trumpet Finalmente Saiu! A LTIMA TROMBETA EM VDEO Finally Out ... This was the revelation received by the Servant of God: Olav Rodg. About the Rapture of the Church of Christ. 1952 Bergen - Norway. Esta foi a Revelao ... Last Trumpet Ministries International - Last Trumpet ... "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle?" I Cor. 14:8 Directory of studies from Last Trumpet Org Ministries Directory of studies from Last Trumpet Org Ministries with Douglas Nicholson / Biblical Researcher. Last days insights apologetic and more Last Trumpet Ministries Online "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle?" - I Cor. 14:8 ... Last Trumpet Ministries International - Sermon Library Enter: Quick Links: Last Trumpet Newsletter: Sermon Library: A Tribute to Pastor Meyer : Latest News: On June 7 2009 Pastor David J. Meyer preached a sermon ... Paul the false apostle - Last Trumpet Org Ministries with ... My false apostle Paul study is my "most popular study" seen by people from all over the globe. I review the stats on my various studies being reviewed. Is the last trumpet of 1 Thessalonians 4 the same as the ... Question: "Is the last trumpet of 1 Thessalonians 4 the same as the seventh trumpet of Revelation?" Answer: Those who hold to a midtribulation rapture teach that the ... Trumpet - Wikipedia A trumpet is a musical instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles. The trumpet group contains the instruments with the highest register in the brass family.
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